Fun at the Ballpark

Running the bases today… (Photo: Cleveland Indians /

On summer Sundays the Cleveland Indians allow kids to run the bases at Progressive Field following Tribe games. This is pretty popular, as kids and their parents start lining up under the stands in the middle of the 7th inning.  Like so many kids’ events today, the whole experience is well-organized by adults and requires little initiative on the part of the kids.

It wasn’t always that way. There was a time when you’d have to plan your journey around the bases on your own.  At age ten or so, sitting at the game with your dad, you might look up at him and say, “Hey, Dad, wouldn’t it be great if I could run on the field and slide into second base?”

And he’d say, “Sure, you’ll probably be on TV, but they’ll throw you out of the game.”

CLEVELAND, OH – JUNE 4,1974: Members of the Texas Rangers take down a drunken fan who ran onto the field during a game against the Cleveland Indians on June 4, 1974 at Cleveland Municipal Stadium in Cleveland, Ohio. Texas was awarded a win by forfeit 5-5 when the game was called by the umpires, due to fans storming the field during 10 cent beer night. (Photo by: Paul Tepley Collection/Diamond Images/Getty Images)

You’d note that getting thrown out might not be such a bad thing. “We’re losing by fourteen runs and it’s only the third inning.”

Dad would nod his head slowly, think for a moment and say, “Good point. Well, you’ll have to get past that usher, but it looks like he’s asleep, and when you get down to the front row, make sure the cop sitting there is looking the other way. You could use a diversion, but I want to finish this beer, and it doesn’t look like he can run very well, anyway. Better have a sip of beer first.”

“Thanks, dad.  See you later.”

“See ya. Make sure to touch first base on your way to second. I’ll meet you at the police room. And don’t tell your mother.”

June 17, 2018

Posted in American Life.