I feel the need … for speed

The Air Show is in town this weekend, featuring hundreds of millions of dollars worth of the latest military aviation technology, flown and maintained by the best of the best. An event that is all-but-certain to make the heart of every true American swell with pride.

So, naturally, we went to the wiener dog races at the fairground.

The show ring at the livestock barn was packed to the rafters and the crowd yelled themselves horse (kind of a livestock joke there..) as the little canines zig-zagged their way to the finish line. The crowd was into it, the dogs seemed to enjoy it – they all got pets and treats at the finish line, even if it took them two minutes to cover the sixty feet – and money collected by registration fees supports a dachshund rescue organization.

Like the sign on the wall said, “There are no losers, only wieners.”

September 1, 2019

Talk to me, Goose.

Posted in American Life.